Tips to write a fan letter for 22/7

In her SR(Aug.8th 2019), Kanae shared some tips to write a fan letter.

1.Do not write your personal information.
Management cuts address, E-mail address, phone number and SNS account(@something). Do not write all of them in a letter. If personal information is near your name, management will cut your name either. Then, idols never know who sent her the letter. Writing your name among texts is a way to avoid this kind of censorship. For example, 'Hi Kanae, My name is Josh. I am a big fan of you.'

2.Twitter name is OK.
You can write your twitter name in a letter. Your real name also works. Remember not to write your SNS account(like @ Something).

3.Idols receive letters and gifts separately.
All fan letters go to censorship. Imagine you give a doll with a fan letter. Management checks letter first. Picks it from a bag and, they never put it back. Idols never know who sent her the doll. Sounds ridiculous but, it's how censorship works. Remember to write 'I sent you a cute doll with this letter.' Finally, Idols know the doll is from you!!

It is common to put your message in an envelope. Management opens it up, checks texts and dumps envelopes. Idols receive letters only. If you forgot to put your name in the message, idols never know who wrote the letter. Remember put your name on both an envelope and a letter.

5.Write the date.
Idols receive a lot of letters at once. Letters written in June and August could be mixed up. Kanae wants to know when you sent a message.

6.Handwritten would be preferred.
Just try even if the letter looks a mess.

7.Write about yourself.
Kanae personally wants us to do. She transcribes fan letters to a notebook and always keeps it. Writing about yourself helps her remember what kind of person you are.